New Year, New Possibilities
She-Rae She-Rae  •  December 31, 2020  •  5 min read
New Year, New Possibilities

As 2020 comes to a close and we look ahead to 2021, many of you can’t wait to put 2020 behind you. Our lives were turned upside down, there was a lot of unrest, uncertainty, and just plain tough times. Though if we take a moment to reflect and find some light during the darkness, there are atleast a few things we can be very grateful for and appreciate how we grew and changed this year.

1. We found out we can learn anything. When push came to shove, we became resourceful and learned how to cook. every. meal. at. home. You learned how to cut hair. Perhaps not salon-level, but passable. You or a loved one learned how to fix the sink or the toilet. Parents learned how to homeschool kids at home and do distance learning. You may never thought you'd ever have to learn these things, but you did and became stronger because of it. You may even have learned something you’ve always wanted to learn such as playing an instrument.

2. We learned to cherish the little things. Family walks around the neighborhood, having breathable, non-smoky air. Suddenly not having every minute scheduled and chauffeuring kids around town felt good. We were grateful to have toilet paper at home. Having loved ones with us at home. Plus just having family members be healthy took on a deeper meaning.

3. We learned to stop and smell the roses. We had more time to reflect because we commuted less. We valued moments spent with loved ones even more. With the pandemic, we never realized that our last visit to see family or friends would be the last time for several months or over a year. We took fewer things for granted.

4. We learned to prioritize like a boss. Or at least tried to! Before we went to the grocery store we wrote up everything we needed, so we didn’t have to make unnecessary trips. We cut out unnecessary travel. We let go of anything that didn’t serve us. We focused on our home - Spring cleaning on steroids! We may have moved our family to a different, more suitable place for the long haul. We spent more quality time with our kids.

5. We became more compassionate. We found ourselves empathizing with others - frontline health workers, those without a voice, those that lost a home. We found ourselves trying to be allies. We also gave ourselves grace. We learned to let things go, and not beat ourselves up for making everything perfect. Making it through was enough.

"The pandemic changed the way we live our life, but it

doesn’t have to change how we look at life.”

New Year, New Possibilities

As we look to 2021, I invite you to approach this new year with a new perspective, with hope, joy and the confidence that tomorrow will be brighter, that you are stronger and more capable than you think. Do what you’ve always wanted and don't wait any longer. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

1. Try something you’ve never done before. Because you want to, not because you’re forced to. You made it this far through Covid. It shows you that nothing is out of reach. Research shows that right now is the perfect time to learn something new. Because in this moment, your brain has been rewiring, as you are doing things you have never done before. Don’t let the current situation slow you down from dreaming up new ideas or finally putting a new (or old) plan into action. Taking action now will allow you to be prepared when things return to normal, or a new normal. Always wanted to learn to draw? Go for it! Want to learn to play the guitar? Do it! Want to start living a healthier life? Let SpringSpot be your springboard. Try our month of New Year, New Possibilities or have your child try our Kids Wellness Camp. Next session starts Jan 5, 2021 and the next one on Feb 2, 2021. Take the leap and the net will appear.

2. Make staying healthy a top priority. If Covid has taught us anything, it’s that keeping your mind and body strong, filling yourself with nourishing food, and having a strong support system will get you through challenging times. That's why staying healthy together as a family fortifies your chances. Find ways to do a co-activity with your kids and role model a healthy lifestyle. If you're a parent, guardian, caretaker or spend time with kids, kids are looking up to you. Do it for future you, the one that will be mobile and strong enough to walk your son or daughter down the aisle, to keep up with your future grandkids. Let us help you make your health and wellbeing a top priority with our live classes. Or have more flexibility with your schedule with our on demand options.

3. Cultivate friendships and relationships. A number of studies have highlighted the importance of friendship and strong relationships. For example one study found that midlife women who were in highly satisfying marriages and marital-type relationships had a lower risk for cardiovascular disease compared with those in less satisfying marriages. Although we can’t get together in person like we used to, stay connected with loved ones, virtually or in a safe social distanced way. Also find ways to celebrate together. Have a child’s birthday coming up? Let SpringSpot help you plan a virtual birthday party that’s safe and fun. Invest in your relationships and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.

4. Keep the good stuff. Though the past year was rough, you grew a lot and may have started some new habits. Keep the good ones and shed the bad ones. Keep cooking at home even when more restaurants open. Keep up the family walks together even when playgrounds or attractions open. Did you spend more quality time with your kids? Find ways to keep that up. As mentioned above about relationships, keep making time for your partner and connecting.

5. Stay optimistic. After the past year we’ve been through, there’s really only one way to go, and that’s up! To kick off 2021, our SpringSpot team has chosen the theme of New Year, New Canvas for our Kids Wellness Camp to give kids a chance to try something new and look at things with a fresh slate.

No matter what life throws at you this year, we'll be here to help.

We wish you all a very Happy New Year, and may this year be filled with good health, joy and whole lot of laughter! We love our amazing SpringSpot Community and look forward to empowering you and your family on your health and wellness journey in 2021!

Come join us for New Year, New Possibilities for January!

Yours truly,
